Tuesday 1 October 2013

Custom Kawai R50/100 Roms Are A No Go

Ok, it's official.  I give up.  No matter how hard I try I cannot get custom roms working for the Kawai R50/R100 drum machines, it is beyond my capabilities.  I have many other projects on the go and I cannot commit the time needed to figure it out.  I might come back to it in the future but don't count on it.  Maybe someone else will figure it out.

I was using Awave Studio, which is a great file format converter with a huge file type support list.  It lists .kawai12 as experimental support.  It opens the kawai EPROM bin files directly, and you can use the built in player to confirm this.  I set Sony Soundforge as the external audio editor and it opens in Soundforge.

Now as a test I didn't edit it at all, and used this original data to make a new .kawai12 file using Awave.  This burns to an EPROM which sounds identical to my original ROM and when repitching doesn't suffer the digital distortion I have been suffering from with my custom files.  I take this to mean Awave does the conversion correctly, provided the source sample data is correct.

So my attempts to do custom roms start with opening the original data in Soundforge and placing a marker at the zero crossings closest to the beginning of each hit.  I also have each individual new hit open in their own window.  These samples have been pitch shifted up 7 semitones, normalized, trimmed to the length of the hit it is replacing and converted into the same format as the original data - 16 bit mono 48k.  I then select all of the new hit and copy it, open the original waveform and highlight the hit it will be replacing, and overwrite (not paste).  Rinse, wash and repeat.

Close all the individual hit windows so that the only window open is your new sample data.  Close Soundforge and this data will open up in Awave.  Save as .kawai12 and burn your rom.  You get something that kind of works, but is not right.  If you figure it out, please let me know.

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